Xylem Park, 121 Starlite Ave, Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Saturday, January 25 - 11AM to 2PM |
*Early Bird Savings - Save $10 per player
Saturday, February 15 - 11AM to 2PM
Register Online
or In Person no later than January 31 and receive
a $10 per player discount.
Players in the 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-15, and 16-19 baseball divisions and the 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, and 20U softball divisions will be given the
opportunity to have
their child’s last name printed on the back of their
jersey for only $10. Registrations must be completed
online or in person between January 1 and February 28 to be eligible.
&COACHES: Registration is open for
Team Managers and Coaches.
Click HERE
to register online now.
Registration is open for Umpires at least 12 years old. Umpires are paid.
We are always looking for experienced Adult Umpires for our travel programs and our 13 and up baseball and softball divisions.
Click HERE
to register now.
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MANDATORY FUNDRAISERS: We do not have any mandatory fundraisers. We will however,
continue to
offer every family the opportunity to reduce their net
out of pocket expenses by selling lottery tickets but
there is no requirement that you do so.
During online or in person registration you will be
given the opportunity to sell up to 20 $5 lottery tickets per
player registered. If you choose to participate, you
will be given (or mailed) tickets to sell. As you sell
them, you will keep the money from the ticket sales and
return all of the ticket stubs to the league (sold or
not). If you choose not to participate, no tickets will
be supplied, and there's nothing to return.
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Cheektowaga Youth Baseball & Softball is a 100% volunteer run organization. Everyone, including the Board of Directors, is a volunteer. The grass is mowed by voluteers, the teams are coached by volunteers, the snack stands are run by volunteers, and the fields are prepared by volunteers. We do not receive help from the town and we do not have any paid employees. We rely 100% on volunteers to be able to continue to offer affordable Baseball & Softball programs to the boys and girls of our community. We need your help. We need you to volunteer.
It's not much, but all volunteers will receive a $25 credit, applied to their league account, to be used toward the next season registration. To receive this credit, an adult parent or guardian can do any of the following a) work one shift at one of our concession stands, or b) register for, complete the certification for, and volunteer as a Team Manager or Asst. Coach for the duration of the season, or c) Volunteer for a board of directors position.
Beginning for the 2023 season, teams will be assigned volunteer days. An adult representative from the team will be required to work in the snack stand. The adult from each team that works in the snack stand will have satisfied the requirements to receive a $25 credit for the following season. If no adult from the team volunteers, that team will forfeit their game. The board of directors has resisted implementing this policy for several years but due to the lack of volunteers we can no longer avoid it. We do not want to see any team forfeit as a result of this policy but we need to keep the snack stand open to help pay for umpires, game equipment, field maintenance, etc. The only other option is to significantly increase registration fees, we do not want to do that.
Only one credit is issued regardless of the number of
participants registered. Credits expire when
registration for the next season closes.